PinnedPublished inThe First TimeHow to Submit to The First TimeMy first ever publication!Jul 7, 2021125Jul 7, 2021125
PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Shamar MEverything that is meant to come shall come at the right time as long as I keep up the action.Aug 30, 202275Aug 30, 202275
PinnedPublished inWriters’ BlokkeA List of All my First Ever StoriesRead whatever tickles your fancy!Jan 7, 202111Jan 7, 202111
Published inShort. Sweet. Valuable.The Embarrassment of Snoring So Loud You Wake Yourself UpIt’s a blessing I live alone.Nov 28, 20244Nov 28, 20244
Published inILLUMINATIONThree Years on Medium But Only One Major LessonHere’s to embracing the journey, one article at a time.Nov 26, 20241Nov 26, 20241
Published inILLUMINATIONHow Life Has Been Now I’m Too Busy For MediumI never thought this day would come.Nov 13, 20249Nov 13, 20249
Published inModern WomenTampons Are Poisoning Women, But I Always Knew That15 years ago I made a great choice to never use a tampon, and I’m sticking with it.Jul 30, 20246Jul 30, 20246
Published inAll About MI Would Be Broke If I Did Not Start MediumSometimes Medium payday may only be $40, but it’s better than $0 by a longshot.Jul 25, 202415Jul 25, 202415
Global IT Outage? No Problem, Just Switch Your Device Off and On 15 TimesTurning my device off and on up to 15 times is meant to help a global crisis?Jul 20, 20246Jul 20, 20246