InWork CitybyShamar MI Used To Work For £4.50 Per HourHas this changed much when I was 16 in 2013?Mar 27, 20244Mar 27, 20244
InILLUMINATIONbyShamar MMy Boss Gave Me A Lifelong Injury But I Didn’t Sue Them — Here’s WhyI was fine until I wasn’t fine.Apr 2, 20244Apr 2, 20244
InBreast StoriesbyShamar MFinally, I Got A Breast ReductionLadies, if you want a breast reduction, do it.Oct 26, 202313Oct 26, 202313
InThe First TimebyShamar MMy First Writing TipTips on Medium are a fairly new gift to the platform, and it’s about time too!Jan 18, 20233Jan 18, 20233
InModern WomenbyShamar MMy Friend Was Smoking Whilst Pregnant And I Didn’t Say AnythingSociety is too good at being bystanders.Jul 25, 20232Jul 25, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyShamar MI Got Banned From A Reddit SubI’ve been using Reddit a lot lately, mainly to share my experiences with my boobs and get information about breast reductions. It’s…Jun 28, 20232Jun 28, 20232
InModern WomenbyShamar MI Learnt The Most From My First Counselling SessionHow we think, affects how we feel, and that affects how we act.Sep 17, 202310Sep 17, 202310
InAfroSapiophilebyShamar MI Don’t Let White Hairdressers Touch My HairHow many white hairdressers have you met that can deal with any texture of hair, including from 3a to 4c?Oct 6, 202313Oct 6, 202313
InILLUMINATIONbyShamar MMy Doctor Was Vaping In The Patient RoomMakes you think of the reason why she was running late…Oct 12, 202312Oct 12, 202312
InFanfarebyShamar MThe Film That Scared Me Most As A Child: InsidiousIt’s the most terrifying thing that I’ve ever seen. Who thinks of such horrid creatures?Oct 18, 20236Oct 18, 20236
InWriters’ BlokkebyShamar MI Had To Give In To Private CounsellingMy experience with private counselling after two months.Apr 17, 20238Apr 17, 20238
InBlack BearbyShamar MI’ve Been Prescribed Anti-Depressants, But I’m Not Taking ThemTwo weeks have passed since I’ve been prescribed the tablets, and I’ve still not taken them.May 1, 20234May 1, 20234
InFeediumbyShamar M3 Things I’ve Learnt As An Editor In One WeekAll ranting aside, editing is extremely pleasurable and fun.May 26, 20233May 26, 20233
InILLUMINATIONbyShamar M3 Things I’ve Learnt About FundraisingWhat I’ve learnt with my very first fundraiser.May 30, 20231May 30, 20231
InBreast StoriesbyShamar MBreast Reductions Are Considered Cosmetic Surgery And It’s WrongAnd it all boils down to government healthcare fundingJun 9, 20233Jun 9, 20233
InWriters’ BlokkebyShamar MTwo Books That Reminded Me Not To Take Life So SeriousPeople are crazy, but fun to read about.Feb 9, 20238Feb 9, 20238
Shamar MI Need To Write But I Can’t Be BotheredI can’t let it fall now. But I can’t be bothered.Dec 29, 20222Dec 29, 20222
InThe Writing CooperativebyShamar MHere’s Why I Turned Down My First Big Freelancing JobMany freelancers await the day that they get a freelancing invite. My day came, and I turned it down pretty much instantly.Jan 5, 20236Jan 5, 20236
InBreast StoriesbyShamar MWhat It’s Like Going For A Bra Fitting With Large BoobsI can turn around and say that I will not be going to any bra fitting again. Ever.Jan 6, 20232Jan 6, 20232
Shamar MI Was Punched in The Face by A Grown ManHe took absolutely no accountability the entire time.Nov 7, 20223Nov 7, 20223